Last month, I ran a survey asking you what kind of quilter you are. The results are in! I believe in full transparency, so I'm sharing all the results with you and what I plan to do with them in this post. Some of the responses surprised me. Some made me laugh! And some made me want to wrap you up in a hug. Thank you for sharing so I can make 2025 even better!
What topics are you interested in?
Well, now. You all want to learn and then you want projects to make with that knowledge. #heard I've been brainstorming some lists for tutorials based on the rest of the results, and I hope we learn a lot together next year.
How often do you want to get the newsletter?
Weekly is the clear winner here. To the person who wrote in daily: I admire your commitment to my content, but that's just way too much right now. Unless this was my dad, and this just wasn't the way to say I need to call more!
What part of the quilting process challenges you most?
The actual quilting process is the biggest struggle for you, followed by choosing fabric and using color. I have a full list of quilting tutorials and videos I want to make and share next year, so I've got you covered there. I also feel like I really struggle with color, so I signed up for a year-long class on color and am looking forward to internalizing that knowledge and sharing it with you.
To the person who wrote in, "getting it perfect." Perfection doesn't exist. It's a distraction. Your projects are perfect because you did them and are learning along the way. I would hug you if I could.
What is your preferred way to consume content?
I am so glad that I'm getting more comfortable in my ability to shoot and produce videos! You can expect more of those in 2025 along with regular blog posts. I'm also planning on running my free-motion quilting class, From Whole Cloth, at least once next year. Look for that in the spring. On top of that, I'm planning on releasing several patterns with class options throughout the year. And hard agree on idle chit chat being boring! I don't think I'm going to turn chatty on you in recorded sessions any time soon. (Live sessions are fair game, though!)
How long have you been quilting?
I don't know what I was expecting here, but a pretty even split wasn't on my survey bingo card. I love that we have a variety of quilters in our community!
Who do you quilt for?
I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see the size of that green pie! It's so important for us to save some of our creativity and talent for ourselves. Our friends and family seem to be pretty lucky too. Something I'm planning on doing a couple times next year is charity quilting Zooms. We did one last weekend, and it was really fun. I got to show off a few FMQ motifs, and the local children's hospital is getting more preemie quilts!
What size quilts do you usually make?
This is helpful information for me when I design and write quilt patterns. Knowing what sizes you generally make ensures I'm giving you patterns you'd be comfortable making.
What's Next?
I'm going to stick with weekly newsletters for 2025. It was pretty managable this year with everything else I was trying to do. Starting in January, you can expect to see me in your inbox every Thursday morning (US eastern time). I'm also working on a brainstorm of topics for tutorials and designs for patterns so I can bring you something cool every week. We're going to have a blast learning and quilting together.
Did you know you can reply to the newsletters? It's true! If you ever get one and think you'd like to hear more about the topic or you have questions, please just hit reply. I'll be sure to put the topic into rotation more often and make sure you get the answers you're looking for. You can always reply just to say hi and let me know what's on your mind. I love hearing from you!